Homeschooling Laws and Rules

To homeschool in Wisconsin parents must file a form of intent with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and must:

--Provide 875 hours of instruction each school year.
--Provide a sequentially-based method of instruction where children build on previous knowledge.
--Provide a legitimate home-based private educational program.

DPI Homeschooling Publication  The complete Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 12-page publication regarding homeschooling and its rules and laws.

Homeschooling Rules  Offers detailed explanations of the rules.

Wisconsin Laws At-a-Glance  Wisconsin state laws at a glance, as well as ability to compare to other states.

Wisconsin Homeschooling Laws  This site offers the state laws as well as links to:

Online Private Schools Accredited in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction/Home Based Private Education
Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents’ Association
Pros and Cons of Wisconsin Homeschooling
Home Educators Resource Directory for Wisconsin
Homeschool Support Groups in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Homeschool-Friendly Colleges
Colleges and Universities in Wisconsin