Floodplain Hazard Information
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM maps) and flood protection references are available at the Waupun Public Library.For questions regarding this information, please contact the Building Inspector at 920-229-6360 or inspector@cityofwaupunwi.gov
Also available are Elevation Certificates that are completed for development in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
- The City of Waupun would like to remind everyone that flood insurance is mandatory if building in the floodplain and using a federally regulated/insured bank for a loan.
Information such as whether or not a property may or may not be located in a Special Flood Hazard area, elevation reference marks, flood hazard zone identification, base flood elevations and Flood Plain Ordinances, may be obtained from the Building Inspection Department.
What You Can Do to help alleviate or reduce the risk of flooding along the stream and river banks:
- Do not dump or throw anything into the ditches or streams.
- Help keep the banks near streams or rivers clear of fallen brush and debris. Precautions must bet taken that existing vegetation is not removed so that the stream or river banks do not erode.
- If you see dumping or debris in the ditches or streams, contact the City Inspection Department.
- Always check with the Building Department before you build on, alter, regrade, or fill on your property. A permit may be needed to ensure that projects do not cause problems on other properties.