Dog & Cat License




Netutered/Spayed: $10.00 Netutered/Spayed: $10.00
Unneutered/Unspayed: $20.00 Unneutered/Unspayed: $20.00



Every owner of a dog and cat more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any year or 5 months of age within the license year shall annually or within 30 days from the date such dog or cat becomes 5 months of age, at the time and in the manner provided by law for the payment of property taxes, pay his dog or cat license tax and obtain a license therefor. No such license shall be issued without proof of compliance with rabies vaccination, as required in this Code. The license fees shall be $10.00 for each neutered/spayed dog or cat, on presentation of evidence that the animal is neutered/spayed, and $20.00 for each unneutered/spayed dog or cat.

License Tags

All licensable pets must wear license tags provided by the City at all times when off the premises of the owners, except under any organized show or training situation.

Late Fees

The collecting official shall charge a late fee of $5.00 if the owner fails to obtain a proper license under this section within 30 days after acquiring a licensable animal, in addition to the regular fees as permitted by §174.05(5), Wis. Stats.

Animal Limits

Number of Dogs and Cats Limited: No more than 3 dogs or cats or combination thereof shall be kept in or upon one residential unit or by one or more persons constituting one residential unit. This section shall not apply to veterinarians or licensed pet groomers where dogs or cats are kept for less than 7 consecutive days. [Chpt 8.02, Waupun Municipal Code]

Getting a License

Animal licenses can be obtained in person at City Hall.