Mayor's Community Update - 08/20/2018

Greetings! Work is being finalized on an update to our comprehensive plan. State Statute requires that we adopt and maintain a comprehensive plan and that we review and refresh that plan every 10 years. This current plan update began almost 18 months ago by gathering public input on what the future of Waupun should look like by the year 2040. In its final form, the document will provide a roadmap to help our community plan for future growth. The plan does not mandate how that growth will occur but rather provides a systematic way for us to think about community development. The plan examines issues and opportunities; housing; transportation; utilities and community facilities; agricultural, natural and cultural resources; economic development; intergovernmental cooperation; land use and contains an implementation plan to ensure that we focus on the right improvements and opportunities to achieve the vision that the community crafted. A complete draft of the plan can be found on the city’s website or by visiting the city hall or public library.

A public hearing will occur on September 19 before the Plan Commission. The public is invited to hear a presentation of the plan and will have the opportunity to ask questions. Once the Plan Commission approves, the draft plan will move to the Common Council for review. The Council will take action to adopt the plan at their October 9th regular meeting. We encourage you to attend and participate in this important process.

As summer draws to a close and kids prepare for their return to school, this is a reminder to safely share the roads with school buses, pedestrians and bicyclists. We will see an increase in foot, bike and motor vehicle traffic and it is important that we increase our alertness and take proper safety precautions.

Also, we are headed into the final week of the season for the Waupun Aquatic Center. The pool will close for the season on August 26. Please stop out and enjoy the final hot days of summer and take advantage of this great community resource.

See you around town! ~ Mayor Julie Nickel