Mayor's Community Update - 08/06/2018

Greetings! Recently, Fire Chief, BJ DeMaa completed an analysis of a potential consolidation of the Waupun City and Waupun Community Fire Departments and presented his findings to the Common Council. The Community Fire Department provides service to the townships of Waupun, Chester and some of Trenton while the City Department services the city proper. Currently, the two fire departments operate out of the Waupun Public Safety Building but maintain their own engines and equipment. In response to rising capital costs, tightening budget dollars, and reduced volunteerism, fire departments around the state are evaluating and moving to consolidated fire district service models. Chief DeMaa’s initial analysis showed that there is approximately $750,000 of capital expense that could be saved over a 10 year period through the elimination of duplicate equipment. The biggest savings would be in the reduction of one replacement fire engine over that period of time. Additionally, the analysis evaluated several models of cost sharing to understand the impact that a consolidated department would have across all taxing jurisdictions. Based on favorable preliminary findings, township board chairs and city staff agreed to form a committee to explore next steps. Over the course of the next year, this committee will work to define an equity-based funding model and outline a service agreement. If the committee is able to reach agreement, we anticipate that a consolidation could occur by 2021

Around town, we are gearing up for Waupun Truck N Show which will run Friday and Saturday, August 10 and 11. This annual salute to the trucking industry brings truckers and truck lovers from afar to our community. Organizers raise funds every year to support non-profits such as Special Olympics and Make a Wish Foundation. Please make sure to offer a warm Waupun welcome to visitors during this event. I hope to see you there!

See you around town! ~ Mayor Julie Nickel