Mayor's Community Update - 02/28/2019

Greetings! On Tuesday, February 26, the Common Council heard more from citizens requesting we consider enacting an urban chicken ordinance and had a chance to discuss feedback from constituents around the community. Preliminary information from staff research was provided to council members. All residents who spoke at the meeting spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. However, council members noted that emails received prior to the meeting were split on the issue. Concerns cited centered on workload and which departments within the city would be responsible for monitoring ordinance compliance. Staff will finalize a policy analysis of this issue and will present results of their evaluation to the council at the March Committee of the Whole meeting, scheduled for March 26, at 5:30 p.m. If you have an opinion on this issue, I ask that you contact your alderman to share your views.

If you are tired of winter and snow, there’s a reason! The National Weather Service in Sullivan reports that the month of February is setting records for daily and monthly snowfall totals. In talking with Jeff Daane, our DPW Director, the city has utilized nearly 70% of our annual road salt allocation as we head into March, and news headlines are reporting salt shortages around the state. Crews will be using some different techniques to stretch our salt supply and we will communicate more on what you can expect as we evaluate continued weather and how it is impacting our situation. A special thank you to DPW crews who have worked often around the clock this month plowing and treating road surfaces to keep travel safe within the city.
Additionally, the Council voted to adopt on second reading, an ordinance that requires school bus drivers to activate flashing red lights when stopped for pickup of students in the roadway. Previously city ordinance followed state statute which requires flashing yellow lights. The request for the change occurred after the Council was approached by a member of the Waupun Area School District’s Board of Education who had researched the issue and wished to increase safety for students. A full copy of the ordinance change can be found on the city’s website.

Around town, Waupun Booster Club will be hosting their annual team trivia challenge on Friday, March 8, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the High School. Teams of 8 compete for prizes and the challenge is open to any community member. There’s still time to register a team. See you around town!