Mayor's Community Update - 02/14/2019

Greetings! Each year it takes numerous volunteers and a good deal of fundraising to make Celebrate Waupun a success. This year, Waupun Festivals and the Waupun Fire Department are excited to bring the 9/11 Never Forget Memorial to Celebrate Waupun and they have started a Go Fund Me page to underwrite the expense of bringing this exhibit to our great city. I’ve been asked by some if this is a legitimate fundraiser and I can assure you that it is. This is a wonderful and memorable display and exhibit and we are looking for citizen support to bring this exhibit to our area. The events of 9/11 have forever impacted our nation. Thousands of innocent citizens perished when the towers collapsed. 343 firefighters with FDNY and 60 police officers with the Port Authority, New Jersey and New York Police Departments lost their lives during the initial response. This event changed how we live, even at our local level and it is important that we never forget the sacrifices so many people made and continue to make in protecting our nation. The 9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit will allow each of us to hear firsthand from FDNY firefighters of their experiences that day. The high-tech, 53-foot trailer, which transforms into an 1,100 square foot exhibit, is a tool to further educate citizens throughout the country about the events of that tragic day. This is only the exhibit’s second visit to the State of Wisconsin since it was created in 2013. Please join me in donating to help offset the cost of bringing this Memorial Exhibit to Celebrate Waupun! For more information, visit:…/911-never-forget-mobile-exhibit

Around town, we just received word that our Senior Center was awarded a dementia-friendly toolkit from the UW School of Nursing which is the organization that we worked with on our Aging in Place initiative last year. This kit was awarded through a grant that our very own Kathy Schlieve wrote. This grant will help us conduct community education around dementia to help us better understand a disease that is affecting people in our community. In coming weeks, our team will be providing an update on the results of our Aging in Place work to the Common Council and we will be sure to share that information with you. I hope to see you around town!